The Cosmic Webb

Little was known about the filament cosmic web till the James Web Space Telescope took the first picture in 2022. Since the JWST - launch,

we have been treated to clear and bright photos as James Web continues to astonish us with new science. The Hubble telescope has not uncovered such beauty and new science but contributed in such an outstanding way for the past 30 years in action.

Cosmic Web.

When we look at the first image of the cosmic web coming out from NASA, we look with amazement at a filament universe connected by a cosmic web of Dark Matter and gas. This “cosmic web” started out tenuous and became more distinct over time as gravity drew matter together. Astronomers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, have discovered a thread-like arrangement of 10 galaxies that existed just 830 million years after the big bang. We assume that from this research, that the cosmic web began about 830 million years post big bang.

Cosmic Web makeup and dark ages time lines:

PBB = Post Big Bang

When did the cosmic dark age begin and what relationship was it to the cosmic web?

The cosmic Dark Ages period measures from 370,000 years until about 1 billion years PBB. After recombination and decoupling, the universe was transparent but the clouds of neutral hydrogen only collapsed very slowly to form stars and galaxies, so there were no new sources of light.

It is assumed that whilst the dark ages of decoupling began (decoupling is that electrons are unable to attach themselves to atomic nuclei)  the universe had to wait till 830 million years PBB, for the cosmic web to begin. It is interesting on a scientific time scale that the cosmic web was slow to get going.

 Cosmic web formation.

This mysterious form of matter filling the Universe over tens of millions of years, is attributed to dark matter assembled into a complex network of intersecting filaments called the Cosmic Web. These strands were only slightly denser than the rest of the Universe, but along them tiny clumps of dark matter grew larger over time, eventually forming clumps large enough to attract hydrogen gas. But all this occurred without producing any light during the Dark Ages of the Universe. This phenomenon still needs more clarification but we thank the James Web Telescope for uncovering a picture which confirms such brilliant science.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Warm regards,
Eden White


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