Something from nothing

These posts are AI free 

Several months ago, I featured a post all about  Something from nothing. This phrase is all about the universe, or early universe beginning from no or little matter what so ever.  

We received a huge number of replies saying ‘this can’t be so, how can matter come from nothing and what physics laws does is this violate?’ 

I myself thought the content of the CC post was enough and given that we commence Cosmology  Group meetings soon, perhaps this very complex subject should be re-visited and more simply explained. 

The book I refer to is: Lawrencee M Krauss

Krauss is a world leader in this very subject and explains the very question well. Unfortunately to the uninitiated in physics, it can get a little convoluted. So here we go with my version of something from nothing. 

In a vacuum we generally see nothing. We know that if the vacuum is true, there should be nothing in it  

what so ever. Science labs around the world have these available for their students to play with all the time doing experiments. 

What we are digging deeper to explain is that there is much more going on in a vacuum than we think. Is space, (which is referred to as a vacuum) there is  CMBR, solar radiation, dark matter and dark energy,  the cosmic web and light in a spectrum which we are unable to see and most of all, neutrinos pounding it mercifully. 

So, from this very full vacuum of ‘stuff’ that we are unable to see anything, there are quantum fluctuations (energy fluctuation in a vacuum) which have electrons and anti-electrons or positrons,  annihilating each other dispersing to nothing and doing it again and again.  

Technically it is best said that in the quantum realm or better described as a field, something really can emerge from nothing. In theory, the Schwinger effect states that in the presence of strong enough electric fields, (charged electrons) particles and their antiparticle counterparts, will be ripped from the quantum vacuum, empty space itself, to become real. In doing so, this is what happened just prior to the singularity atom before the universe came into existence. 


Some others would argue that this quantum world could have been the seeds from a parallel universe or multiverse or quantum seeds being fed through a  divot in the cosmic microwave background however,  I am sticking with this theory for the moment.  

Hope this clears up the misunderstanding regards and simplifies this theory regards, Eden.


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