Proposition about gravity

The proposition:

Is gravity defined by time?

The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time together, Ref: Einstein 1915. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves or bends, and the slower time itself proceeds if one creates a distance. We should consider here, however, that an observer in strong gravity experiences his/her time as running normal. This was the most profound thought that Einstein had saying we don’t generally notice this happening within our frame of reference (where we stand.)

If we use a simple experiment using a perfect 2 kg weight and measure it in various places around our state, for example at the top of say Mount Feathertop and then to sea level where I live at Phillip Island, then measure the weights at the 2 heights , the weight (not mass) will be less at altitude. So, we assume the closer to our planet core, the heavier the 2 kg weight will become. Note, this difference is expressed in very small sub gram increments.

As we all know our Earth is not a perfect shape sphere and is more bulging at the equator. Due to the speed of rotation, this does cause a bulge of effect in a sense, creating variations of gravity measured in different regions of our planet. The higher one goes the less gravity experienced in general however, there are some small variations to this rule.

Newton's Law of Gravitation: This equation is one of the most famous descriptions of:

F = force / G = gravitational constant / M1 & M2 = two objects with mass existing and R = is the distance between M1 & M2 of two singular masses, with relationship to force/gravity, hope this is correct Brian?

Gravity does NOT warp the flow of time. It's the other way around, the warping of time causes gravity. Therefore, gravity is inherently connected to the fabric of spacetime, which includes both space and time. Without time, the concept of gravity as we understand it in the context of general relativity (1915), may not apply in the same way. What happens is that, as you pass through time, the distortion of space-time caused by the presence of the earth accelerates your body towards the center of the earth. This theory also applies thought the cosmos.

Can time be reversed?

To do so, you need to decrease the total entropy of the Universe. (Entropy is the way of time proceeding from order to disorder.) Since we cannot decrease the total amount of entropy, we cannot reverse the arrow of time either so entropy proceeds from a state of order to a state of disorder. With the finest of equipment, we can measure that ‘time’ at your kitchen bench is slower than on your kitchen floor, (albeit extremely small.)

Time is relative to you and your frame of reference.

So, if you were in a high tower and descending down in a lift, if the cable were to be cut, and the lift breaks didn’t kick in, would you feel this? The answer is no, because you would not feel much going on at all. This is such a small amount that you wouldn't even think that you had been falling in the first place, however you may in the end be injured unfortunately. It is also related to the fact of not seeing momentum relative to your place in the lift, and not seeing the speed of decent. Another example is the International Space station. Why they are in zero gravity all the time is that the space station is falling to earth constantly and is required to be pushed back up occasionally to a stable height.

So, to wrap up,

What happens is that, as you pass through time, the distortion of space-time caused by the presence of the earth accelerates your body towards the center of the earth. To put this into further perspective, time is the ultimate driver causing gravity to reflect the bending of space time, this falling effect causes gravity.

Alternatively, gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field. The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds.

 I hope you enjoyed this post on time and gravity.


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