A Universe from nothing.
Please note: this post is IA-free.
Hi to all Cosmology members,
I wanted to clarify a point as a result of several return emails I am receiving.
Something from nothing:
The profound question which comes up on a continual basis and I must say mixed in with a religious flavor is, how did the universe begin from nothing?
Let’s firstly look at what is nothing?
Nothing to most people is a space without anything we can see or feel or smell. When we think of 'nothing,' we typically think of a space with nothing in it. From a scientific perspective, space that has zero particles, no particle at every place where a particle could be. Physicists call this the 'vacuum state,' and thanks to quantum mechanics, it has some weird properties. These properties do exist in this vacuum state. If we were able to take a square meter of this vacuum state and annualize the state, we would find the following:
A boiling brew of virtual particles in space:
Neutrinos from the sun – Solar radiation, quantum fluctuations, gamma radiation, dust particles, hydrogen and helium gasses and much more. So, this poses the question again, is a vacuum of space nothing? The hypothesis we have discussed changes the perception of nothing and helps us understand a universe coming from nothing. Drilling down further, zero is an important number, even though it represents a quantity of nothing!
What is zero?
To summarize: Zero is a number between negative numbers and positive numbers. To mathematicians the numbering of zero is probably impossible as infinity keeps dividing on further. This is another example that we don’t have nothing.
Now looking at the beginning of the universe,
When the scientific discoveries in the 1930’s through to 2006 were published, these discoveries validated a point in time the universe began and confirmed the universe had a beginning albeit a violent one. It also proved the universe was not infinite as previously believed by many.
How was this confirmed:
Edwin Hubble proved that the universe was expanding (called inflation - published in 1930) and also confirming that our Milky Way was not the only galaxy existing. If one then reverses time, the clock would take the universe backward to a moment of only one atom remaining, simple. Ok, I can understand this theory but how can an atom or as science calls it, a primordial atom containing all of space and time, fit into one atom. The only example I can come up with is a supernova explosion and reverting to a neutron star around the size of Melbourne and if you took one teaspoon of neutron star - it would weigh 10 million tons. This is highly concentrated matter and serves as a good example of how physics can squash a star of say around 2 solar masses, down to the size of Melbourne CBD.
Lawrence Krauss confirms the following:
In his documentation and published theories, Krauss reveals that “modern science is addressing why there is something rather than nothing and suggests that not only can something arise from nothing, something will arise from nothing.” When you follow the great Dan Hooper from Fermilab, he confirms the same in his letter and podcasts.
As we unpack these theories, we have to take a leap of faith to begin with. What I am quoting above is peer reviewed and published many times over.
Unpacking the system in the beginning:
Imagin a primordial atom on its own, is some kind of space surrounded by some sort of borrowed energy or quantum fluctuations (variable energy state) ready to seed a universe. The energy in this particular system, which is said to be borrowed, means it has to be repaid ( Ref: 1st theory of thermodynamics.) We assume the electromagnetic space in which the atom is living happily, is surrounded by lots of static electric force thus emission have charged particles involved with the creation of a field. So, the primordial atom is not alone as a lot of this is going on around it. The field we are talking about is huge and not insignificant. According to physicalists, this huge field is very possible and referred to as a phenomenon.
Hear is the kicker:
Nevertheless, all of these Phenomena, imply that under the right conditions, (described above) not only can nothing become something, by physics it is demanded to!
When we take all of this in, I come to the conclusion that before the primordial atom exploded to create a new baby universe, to have such huge electromagnetic fields moving in all directions, there must have been a space existing for this to play out.
What was this space?
Was it another parallel universe?
Perhaps a multiverse or adjacent singular universe providing all these electromagnetic conditions for creation.
I refer you all to Dr M Haughton – University of Maryland US:
Published claims the CMBR came through in a void at the beginning of time. He theory says that energy appeared through the early light and brought energy to our universe. This energy as we describe it, entered through a void shown in the Plank photo of the early cosmic microwave background radiation – 2006 NASA.
The Wash up:
Scientists now agree that since the 1970’s, it is possible to begin with equal amounts of matter and anti-matter, in a hot dense big bang. and there is agreement that a place of electromagnetic field emtyness, befor the event did exist. The question no everybody’s mind out there is: was it another universe or a field of intense materials coming together to form the seeds of a new universe?
In cosmology this therosised part of creation is yet to be confirmed but Krauss has it correct in my opinion.
Hope this helps explaing what is a difficult theory in science.
I would love to hear form anybody about this post please?
Warm regards,
Eden White
Please note: my writings are IA-free and are my own words.