No 144 - Quantum Fluctuations
Ref: Prof Dan Hooper
At the beginning of time, we are told there were several quantum systems present and active. We have a singularity or what is called a decaying atom containing all of space and time explained later as a Plank measurement. In addition, it is postulated that Quantum Fluctuations (QF) were present but from this very point, the scientific information is sketchy however, everything was ready for a baby universe to begin. Quantum Fluctuations: are described as the temporary random change in the amount of energy in a point in space, as prescribed by Werner Heisenberg's theory of Uncertainty in 1927.
Fig: 1.0 Artists impressions of QF.
For many years, cosmologists have relied on the idea that the universe formed spontaneously, that the Big Bang was the result of quantum fluctuations in which the Universe came into existence from nothing. That's plausible, given what we know about quantum mechanics but this explanation raises a great deal of questions of what QF did before inflation began?
Quantum fluctuations: are thought to seed in hogeneities (the condition being not arising during cosmic inflation), during which the initial metastable state of the inflation field 'slow-rolls' down the potential to a more stable vacuum. That means; that the conservation of energy can seem to be violated, but only to allow the creation of virtual particles and antiparticle pairs for an exceedingly short period of time.
The plot thickens /-
Like normal matter and antimatter, theoretical electrons and positrons (anti-electron), annihilate each other. Unlike normal matter, however, they do not create any energy when they annihilate each other, but instead create an imaginary photon. Normal photons can interact with matter, but theoretical photons do not. Sorry, but the picture gets far more difficult to understand.
During the accelerated cosmic inflation of the Big Bang, related fluctuations of the vacuum were generated and potentially seeded the present-day structures of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. If this happened, we owe our existence to early quantum fluctuations. The vacuum seeded life and inflation of our current universe.
The Force: We ask ourselves what is this all about? What is so special about quantum fluctuations and why are they regularly attributed to the seeds of the Big Bang? It is said that quantum fluctuation is a "potentiality" for something to happen under the influence of some external particle or force. So, what is that force? The force we are referring to is the electromagnetic force. These forces produce random changes to the electromagnetic field and one can assume this very influence before or at the beginning of time.
Nothing one reads, gives anything more than what we have seen today. The more one studies this subject, the more the topic is mixed up, re-directed and altered however, in the end the changes of energy due to fluctuations were present and had the right effect on the singularity to create the baby universe we know today.